Music Ministry
Emmanuel has a long tradition of including a variety of music in the worship services. There are opportunities for everyone to witness and worship God through music, from children to adults, beginners to experienced musicians.
Handbell Choir (Youth & Adults)
- Contributes to the service an average of once a month
Praise Team (High School Youth & Adults)
- Contributes to the weekly services by leading the congregation in contemporary and praise songs
Chancel Choir (High School Youth & Adults)
- Contributes to the weekly services with an introit, response, and anthem
- Music is selected from a variety of styles with two to four parts
- September - June
Youth Music
The youth at Emmanuel have the opportunity to learn traditional and new songs through Sunday School and a youth choir that is assembled for special services.
John Little, Choir Director
Matt Prohaska, Organist & Pianist
Service Times
- Sunday Worship - 10:00 am
- Summer Worship (July-August) - 9:00 am
- Sunday Class (September - May): Adults – 8:45 am
- Sunday Class (September - May): Children – 9:00 am
- Monday Evening Prayer & Healing Service (2nd Monday each month) - 6:30 pm
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
75 East Ave.
Lockport, NY 14094