Youth Group Events
2nd & 4th Sundays 11:30am-12:45pm
Grades 6th – 12th
T.A.C.O.S. is our Junior/Senior High youth group. The acronym stands for Totally Awesome Christians Offering Service.
This is a group of youth who meet twice a month to grow in Christ and offer service to church, community and world.
Service to the Church: Multiple opportunities to volunteer at events and work on projects.
Special Events throughout the year include fun events such as sleepovers, bowling, sporting events, fundraisers, baby sitting, holiday parties and more!
Additional Information:
LEADERS: Kristin & David Foster
YOUTH LEADER: Hailey Parker
ROOM: 2nd floor, Youth Room
DISMISSAL: Youth are dismissed from the classroom or front door once their parents have arrived to pick them up.
Bowling (spring break)
Summer Mission Trip
Leaf raking for church members
Conference Fall Gathering in Rochester (November – overnight)
Miniature Golf (fall)
Souper Bowl of Caring - collection for hunger (Super Bowl Sunday in February)

Children & Youth Sunday
Fun & Games

Leaf Raking
Service Times
- Sunday Worship - 10:00 am
- Summer Worship (July-August) - 9:00 am
- Sunday Class (September - May): Adults – 8:45 am
- Sunday Class (September - May): Children – 9:00 am
- Monday Evening Prayer & Healing Service (2nd Monday each month) - 6:30 pm
Emmanuel United Methodist Church
75 East Ave.
Lockport, NY 14094